As intimidating as these guys look on the back of their major label debut, Through The Eyes, the music on the album comes off just like you’d expect from any of the many heavy rock acts that are around today. The first track, “Only The Strong”, hits hard on the grooves but loses intensity with lackluster vocals. “Get up Again” is as pit-stirring as any, but it doesn’t really sound like anything new. The pattern continues throughout the barrage of thick guitars and pounding skins, but originality is sacrificed to sound heavy.
What this band could really use is a listen to some of the more obscure groove-metal outfits that aren’t firing off Mtv videos like there’s no tomorrow. If they played something that wouldn’t be forgotten in a week, it’d be a healthy start. I dig the heaviness, but I don’t dig the angle. It’s a tough genre to stand out from, and as talented as Flaw may be, this effort won’t grab you like some of the other loud releases in the past few months (see Tool, System Of A Down, Slipknot). Try it if your taste doesn’t go beyond the radio, but if it does, you may find it more enticing to nibble on something else.
+ rick hinkson
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