Corporate Line: On Paloalto’s sophomore effort, heroes and villains, the band forgoes popular themes of self-pity and revenge for tales of experience and introspection. Paloalto put their brains and baggage into the music, producing an album that reflects both good times and bad. The beautiful melodies, epic arrangements and soaring themes of heroes and villains reveal a band charting a fresh course through the waters of cash-only creativity and cookie-cutter demographics.
The Good:
“Fade Out/In” – Quite an interesting track. You get your usual slower verse crashing into a good bridge and better chorus.
“Last Way Out Oh Here” – Doesn’t stick with you upon the first listen, but after a few go rounds you will see that it’s quite a nice, if not so slow, ballad.
“Sleeping Citizens” and “Hangman” – Paloalto have what it takes to break out of their shell and sound like themselves, here they accomplish it with a slower track.
The Marginal:
“The World Outside” – Not really sure what to say about this track except it doesn’t do much to move you.
“Breathe In” – Attempts to be gorgeous and grandiose but doesn’t quite accomplish either.
“Throwing Stones” – This track is what seemed to plague Paloalto on their previous release because it just sounds too much like Radiohead.
The Ugly:
Nothing painful.
Frankly: Paloalto, as stated with their previous release, have lots of talent, hell they have talent to spare. However their songs get tedious and they just seem to stop rocking as the album draws to a close. Slow songs are great, but not when half the album seems to be at the same slow pace.
+ rae gun
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