After three years of touring the globe and watching heavy music fall into a Noxzema commercial, System Of A Down’s voice is finally honed and ready for the masses. Toxicity is the group’s answer to the burning question that has enveloped this country as of late: What the fuck is going on here? From the opening tonnage of “Prison Song”, a direct hit on the corporatism of the American penal institution, straight through to the album’s final track, “Psycho”, an ode to cocaine-sniffing groupies, SOAD have presented a stark vision of society today.
With the help of producer Rick Rubin, SOAD broadens their appeal by increasing melodies and increasing the heaviness. No sophomore jinx here, Serj and co. have taken their sound to the next level by creating thought-invoking, pit-stirring songs that’ll either make you stop and wonder or bash your head against your dashboard. “Chop Suey” has all the makings of a radio gem with crushing grooves and funky lyrics about irresponsible parents. “Bounce” sounds like it could’ve been written by the Mickey Mouse Club in the midst of a PCP bender with high-schoolish lyrics about pogo sticks surrounded by pummeling up and down chords.
System’s Toxicity will be greatly appreciated by those who favor creativity and flavor. There’s nothing jaded about this album. It’s what intelligent metal should sound like.
+ rick hinkson
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