THE STORY: Put on your bell-bottoms, pop in an 8-track and get ready to boogie when “That ‘70s Show” Season Five debuts on DVD on October 17th from Fox Home Entertainment and Carsey-Werner. Having recently wrapped its series finale, fans can flashback and follow the lives, loves and growing pains of the cool Wisconsin kids with their grooviest season ever – senior year of high school. Starring Ashton Kutcher (Guess Who, “Punk’d”), Topher Grace (Spider-Man 3, In Good Company), Wilmer Valderrama (Fast Food Nation, Party Monster), Laura Prepon (Slackers) and Mila Kunis (Tony ‘n’ Tina’s Wedding, “Family Guy”) this four-disc DVD set showcases a dynamite all-star guest line-up including Betty White (“The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and “The Golden Girls”), Jack Osbourne (“The Osbournes”), Fred Willard (Date Movie and Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy), Seth Green (Austin Powers Trilogy and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”) and pop-sensation Jessica Simpson. Featuring all 25 episodes from the 2002-2003 season, “That ‘70s Show” Season Five offers never-before-aired bonus materials including episode promos and three featurettes – “A ‘70s Flashback: Wilmer Valderrama,” “A ‘70s Flashback:
Danny Masterson” and “Season Five in Five Minutes.”
Flash on back to the swinging ‘70s where there’s a whole lotta love going around in the gang’s senior year. Jackie is secretly making out with Hyde even though she still has the hots for Kelso. But Eric and Donna soon have a bigger secret after Eric gives her a diamond ring. Even Fez finally finds love at the DMV. But it’s the job fair that has everyone thinking of life after high school. Kelso toys with the idea of becoming a cop, while Donna and Eric plan on moving in together. But it’s Fez’s future that may be the most uncertain after he learns he’s being deported!
“Going To California” – Donna goes to California and Eric follows her in hopes of confessing his love and bringing her back. Kelso tries to score big with a virgin.
“I Can’t Quit You Baby” – Donna ends up in Catholic school while Jackie and Hyde get busted for making out.
“What Is and What Should Never Be” – Kitty is pregnant. Red isn’t nearly as excited about being a dad again.
“Heartbreaker” – Kitty’s parents come after hearing about great news only to be surprised that the news is her being pregnant. Kelso doesn’t take the news of Jackie and Hyde’s new found relationship very well.
“Ramble On” – Donna gives Eric a ring—a very ugly ring. Eric doesn’t know what to do with it, but he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings.
“Over the Hills and Far Away” – Eric and Donna worry that they won’t make it into the same colleges.
“Hot Dog” – Eric buys Donna a ring and wants her to be his wife—but then starts to second guess it himself.
“Thank You” – It’s Thanksgiving and Eric decides that is the time to announce the pending nuptials until Kelso ruins Eric’s moment.
“Black Dog” – Jackie’s father is sent to prison and Kelso hopes that she will come running to him. Instead, Kelso and Hyde fight leaving one shot with a BB gun.
“The Crunge” – Eric is the big loser on the S.A.T. exam and he tries to blame his relationship with Donna.
“The Girl I Love” – Kitty decides to throw a party for Fez’s new girlfriend and nothing goes right.
“Misty Mountain Hop” – Jackie’s cabin turns into a caper as the Forman’s decide to help Jackie clean it out while the boys decide to use it for something else.
“Your Time Is Gonna Come” – While Jackie is troubled over her jealousy of Kelso the Forman’s deal with the death of Kitty’s father.
“Babe I’m Gonna Leave You” – The love triangle is at the center of the episode as Hyde, Kelso, Jackie and Annette have trouble with tangled mess.
“When the Levee Breaks” – Kitty thinks that Red has bought her a ring but is surprised by the discovery. Eric and Donna take advantage of her parents being away for the weekend.
“Whole Lotta Love” – Red gives Eric the silent treatment and Eric doesn’t mind. Donna feels like it’s on her to get Red and Eric to make up.
“The Battle of Evermore” – Red and Eric enter a competition together setup by Kitty.
“Hey Hey What Can I Do” – Eric goes to a job fair after Red decides not to pay for college. Kelso decides that he is going to be a policeman because he’ll be hot.
“Bring It On Home” – Fez meets Nina’s parents who are less than thrilled to meet him. Kitty isn’t happy to find out that Jackie has been sleeping in the basement.
“No Quarter” – Jackie moves in with Donna. Eric tries to return Donna’s engagement ring.
“Trampled Under Foot” – Fez gets dumped and when Nina comes back he tries to use the advice of Hyde.
“You Shook Me” – Fez has a dream of a nurse and can’t deal with it when he realizes it is Kelso. Eric starts working at a dog food factory in hopes of being able to afford a life with Donna.
“Nobody’s Fault But Mine” – Hyde cheats on Jackie and when he explains its all over.
“The Immigrant Song” – Fez gets arrested when he, Kelso and Hyde climb the water tower.
“Celebration Day” – Fez finds out he is being deported. Eric and Donna decide to get an apartment.
THE EXTRAS: Episode promos offer the ability to watch the television promo before the episodes.
“A 70s Flashback” – This featurette features Wilmer Valderrama and Danny Masterson who discuss their characters and about the show.
“Season 5 in 5 Minutes” – This featurette is mostly a recap of the entire season.
FRANKLY: The fifth season of That ‘70s Show is fantastic. The cast is great and the storylines are strong. This is a must buy for fans of episodic comedy.
+ Charlie Craine
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