CORPORATE LINE: When you call your band Under the Influence of Giants, you’re expected to somehow be the sum of your roots, but this L.A. outfit defies easy categorization. As their self-titled debut Island Records album bears out, the Giants’ funk-inflected, hook-saturated pop-soul is a combination of the Talking Heads’ African poly-rhythmic groove (“Ah-ha,” “Got Nuthin’”), the ethereal falsettos of Michael Jackson and Prince (“Mama’s Room”), the blue-eyed R&B of Hall & Oates and George Michael (“In the Clouds”), the insinuating melodic pop of Rubber Soul (“Stay Illogical”), Earth, Wind & Fire’s horn-driven, noirish funk (“Against All Odds”), McCartney’s winsome balladry (“Lay Me Down”) and even the throbbing beat of post-hip-hop by way of Madonna (“Meaningless Love”).
“Ah Ha” – Sounds like a song Justin Timberlake might release if he had any balls.
“Got Nothing” – Highly addictive throughout. It’s hard to explain their sound—except that it is something in the vein of Jamiroquai without the supersonic vocals.
“In The Clouds” – Too much Wham and Duran Duran as UTIOG go way over the top with a song that is more Queer Eye For The Straight Guy than Laguna Beach.
“Stay Illogical” – A seemingly Bee Gee inspired song never lifts too high off the ground and stays muddled in slow motion.
“I Love You” – A supremely sappy song that goes nowhere—this is far too timid for a band who has proven then can mix it up. Same goes for “Lay Me Down.” The songs are aimless, boring ballads.
FRANKLY: Under The Influence Of Giants has a cool and groove R&B sound that is neither original or recycled.
+ CC Morris
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