Company Line: The Bees continued to explore a multitude of musical genres on their first full-length offering, 2002’s Sunshine Hit Me on Atstralwerks.
The Good:
“Punchbag” – You’ll find yourself enraptured. It’s gentle. It’s gorgeous.
“Angryman” – A honey-tinged taste of soul. Delicious.
“No Trophy” – You’ll get caught up in its daring loveliness.
“A Minha Menina” – I don’t know what the hell they are singing about but it still sounds damn good. Bossa Nova me.
“Sweet Like A Champion” and “Sky Holds The Sun” – Painfully good.
The Marginal:
“Binnel Bay” – Island evolution.
“Zia” and “Sunshine” – Wasn’t digging the instrumentals as much. Would have rather they been left off.
“You got To Leave” – The bonus track wasn’t much of a bonus. It sounds too much like every other rotten band today, ie. The Vines.
The Bad:
Nothing to be honest.
Frankly: I’m sure everyone and their mother has compared these guys to the subtle sounds of the Beach Boys in their later years, well its because that is who they’ll remind you of. Solid like the sun.
+ rae gun
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