Corporate Line: Following up the extraordinary success of 2001’s The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek, Relient K fires up another red-hot batch of punk-powered rock ‘n’ roll that makes their third release, Two Lefts Don’t Make a Right, But Three Do.
The Good:
“Getting Into You” – A ballad is the albums best song. Go figure.
The Average:
“Mood Rings” and “Falling Out” – Inoffensive punk-pop.
“Chap Stick, Chapped Lips, and Things Like Chemistry” – My fingers are killing me after writing that title. The song isn’t good or bad. It’s hard to say anything more than it’s an okay pop rock song.
“Over Thinking” – A bit slower. The problem is the song doesn’t seem to end.
The Bad:
“In Love With The 80’s (Pink Tux To The Prom)” – This isn’t funny and it sure isn’t good. The title alone should have tipped us off.
Frankly: There isn’t anything bad you can say, it’s just too bad you can’t gush about either.
+ rae gun
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