GAME DESCRIPTION: Cold War follows the story of Matt Carter, a freelance journalist, who finds himself in the midst of an international conspiracy that aims to control the U.S.S.R. Twelve hours after arriving in Moscow for a routine story, Carter has been stripped of all his possessions, beaten unconscious and thrown into the KGB’s political prison. Using only recovered weapons and improvised gadgets, he must now evade or overcome elite Soviet forces and defeat the conspiracy before he is sent to a Siberian prison camp or killed.
PLAY: Cold War is very similar to Splinter Cell, at least that was the hope of designers but it’s not nearly as good. Even though the game functions similarly it doesn’t boast all the cool things that make the Splinter Cell releases so great. The main character Matthew Carter isn’t nearly as cool. Carter doesn’t boast the abilities of those in Splinter Cell.
Carter has the ability to create some neat weapons and build things. This is a great touch. He is able to take every day items and make them something you’d never imagine. The setup is very effective and functional.
The most important aspect of Cold War, like Splinter Cell, is stealth. Stealth has become a great addition to many games—Cold War doesn’t utilize it well. This is one area where Cold War could have shined and ends up fizzling out.
GRAPHICS: Good looking characters are hurt by the pitiful environments.
SOUND: A combination of bad voice acting and music makes this one heck of a tiring audible experience.
FRANKLY: Cold War can’t hold a candle to Splinter Cell.
+ Richie Wright
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