GAME DESCRIPTION: From famed game developer Rare LTD., Perfect Dark Zero takes place when a secret war begins between shadowy corporations bent on world domination. Joanna Dark and her father Jack, are caught up in the fight for the planet’s future. A routine bounty hunting missions opens a global conspiracy that changes Joanna’s destiny forever. Guide Joanna Dark on her journey to become the Perfect Agent. Perfect Dark Zero features a compelling and captivating story plunging players into a world of corporate espionage and conspiracy. Perfect Dark Zero merges the excitement and intrigue of its predecessor with revolutionary game design, online play and amazing graphics to deliver an experience that defines next-generation gaming and entertainment. A multitude of weapons, gadgets and vehicles – Perfect Dark Zero features many of the classic weapons and gadgets from the original games as well as other additions. Combat-enabled vehicles include jetpacks, hovercrafts and motorcycles.
PLAY: PDZ has a learning curve. It’s a great game once you’ve spent some time with it. Once you get to the third area PDZ really gets good. Each level requires that you finish without dying. You can complete secondary portions through the levels and gain weapons that can help your next attempt at finishing the levels. A lot of gamers will be frustrated that each level requires you to finish it without dying while there are checkpoints on each level.
The single player is very good. Multiplayer is much better and more interesting. In multiplayer it can be harder to protect the other player and it takes a lot of the fun and common sense out of PDZ. That is the only negative. The rest of the multiplayer mode is fantastic. This is definitely the best way to play PDZ.
Stealth is poorly conceived. It’s actually much easier to fight head-on rather than try to stay hidden and wait. Another problem occurs with shooting. It’s not always easy to aim and hit the target.
GRAPHICS: PDZ has good graphics and a definite step-up from previous consoles. The levels lack a lot of detail that we’d expect from a next-generation game. The rest of the elements in the game are stunning to look at and are proof positive of the power of the Xbox 360.
SOUND: The voice acting leaves a lot to be desired. The weapons sounds are fantastic.
FRANKLY: Single player mode is good if that is all you can play. Multiplayer is fantastic. PDZ isn’t the best release for the Xbox 360—however it is one of the few must buy games for the platform.
+ Charlie Craine
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