David Byrne can’t feed off his Talking Heads days forever. I haven’t enjoyed anything the guy has put out as a solo artist. I mean, he isn’t John Lennon. Look Into The Eyeball is obtuse as hell and I guess I’m not intelligent enough to get it.
“U.B. Jesus” is something I can’t quite wrap my head around. If you get it and like it, then I’m glad to hear someone out there does because it’s nonsense to me. “Broken Things” is just artsy bullshit. Even worse is “Desconocido Soy”, while “The Moment Of Conception” is just garbage.
“The Great Intoxication” caught me in the middle. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. Part of me enjoys it while on the other hand I don’t think I would ever listen to this in my car just driving around. “The Accident” tries so hard to be a good boy, but I’ll be damned if Byrne doesn’t bastard that up too.
Okay, the whole album doesn’t suck. “The Revolution” is dreamy. One track out of eleven isn’t bad.
Art is good when it’s not overdone. A lot of these guys who were revolutionaries are now trying to be as hip as they once were. It’s just not possible. For every Neil Young there are a hundred David Byrnes. I mean, do we always need some guy whose heyday was decades ago coming out with something no one can figure out only to pretend they do so they don’t seem dumb? I’m glad we honor our legends with record deals, but sometimes it’s better to open a slot for those who can make their mark today.
+ charlatan
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