Corporate Line: Narcotics detectives Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) have been assigned to a high-tech task force investigating the flow of designer ecstasy into Miami. This leads them to a conspiracy involving a vicious Kingpin (Molla), whose ambitions have ignited a bloody turf war. Mike and Marcus’ working relationship is threatened when Mike develops feelings for Marcus’ sister Syd (Union), and unless they can separate the personal from the professional, the case and Syd’s life are in danger.
The Good: Smith and Lawrence are absolutely hilarious. They have great chemistry and you really do get the feeling they’ve been partners for eleven years. I’d like to see them again even if it didn’t have the name Bad Boys attached. A scene inside an electronics stores will have you laughing until you cry. Not to mention when Smith takes a piece of Lawrence’s… I won’t spoil it. It’s hard to mention all the scenes where I laughed outloud which should tell you something.
The Bad: Most scenes seem to have been overcooked. Many times a scene could have ended minutes before it does and gets to the point of exhaustion. A scene on the highway goes from unbelievable to ‘will this ever end?’ Not to mention a scene where Smith drives a Hummer through a shanty town and you have to wonder if this were real wouldn’t they have killed a few hundred innocent people? It’s a movie so what does it matter I guess.
Perhaps the biggest bust of the film is the addition of a nappy crew of Rastafarians who the bad boys find themselves chasing and more. You wonder when they are done why in the world were these guys in the film? Was it to set up a scene where destruction was on tap? It’s stupid as they never actually add to the film whatsoever and worse they actually extend what is a movie that is already too long. Not to mention the all too many false endings. I thought the film was ending thirty minutes before it actually did. After one large drink I was past the breaking point.
Last beef. Bad Boys 2 could have been made without the absurd amount of swearing. I’m not some baby who can’t take a f**k or s**t here and there, but every line seems to contain one or the other, and don’t forget b**ches. You wonder if Will Smith just felt he had to let them go now otherwise he might not get to swear on screen for another eight years.
Frankly: Great chemistry and hilarity make for a fantastically funny film. It could have been thirty minutes shorter and a lot less cursing. Don’t let all the bad fool you, I enjoyed the film quite a bit because it was so funny and that isn’t something you can say by the many comedies that have come out over the last few years.
Lastly but most important, parents this is not a film for teens. At our screening some parents had kids who were 11 or 12 and I was appalled. However adults will sit in theaters across America and laugh together. Laughter is good.
+ Charlie Craine
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